Helping Veterans with PTSD regain mental strength through physical fitness by offering free gym memberships!
As a combat veteran (4th Infantry Division - Iraq) who has suffered from intense PTSD, I want to give to other veterans the strategy that I have found to combat the thoughts and fears that plagued me for years, which I now use as an alternative to medication in combination with therapy.
When I began my fitness journey, it started with me sitting in the parking lot, too anxious to go inside. Many veterans with PTSD are hesitant to go to unfamiliar places or go to be in large crowds. Eventually, after 2 weeks of this, I rallied up the fortitude to walk through the door.
It was one of the best decisions I ever made.
In the process of working out, I produced endorphins that made me feel better, it helped released stress, which was such a relief. People started noticing a difference in me. Not only did my appearance change, but so did my mental state. I no longer had the thousand-yard stare. I was more confident, outgoing, & approachable. People who have known me all of my life started saying "Bro, you talk now and smile!"
This gift that I gave myself, I wish to pass on to other veterans.
Support our merch line, our events & everything we do to help veterans get gym memberships, personal trainers, and a network of other veterans to work out with & learn from.

Are you a veteran? Do you have a family member that is a veteran & could benefit from what we do? Fill out our questionnaire and let us get to know you and how we can help!

Funds & Donations go directly to veterans not only for gym memberships, but also provides therapists outside the VA. Without detail, the VA is overloaded so we help Veterans in need outside of that system.